Dealership hours of operation
Mon - Thu 9:00am - 8:00pm
Fri - Sat 9:00am - 5:00pm
Sun Closed
Various Locations, Across Ontario

Good Credit

Compare Car Loans From 25+ Lenders

Rates From 0% - No Money Down

Receive Instant Offers - Guaranteed Approvals

    Multi-Step Form

    Get The Vehicle You Want at a Payment You Can Afford

    100% Credit Approvals, Affordable Payments, Rates Starting at 0%!
    What Type Of Vehicle Do You Want?

    *We offer 100% Credit Approvals so don't worry about what you select! We have a solution for you!
    Your income details show that you have the resources to make your monthly or bi-weekly payments, increasing your approval rate.
    *Pro Tip: We work with all forms of income!
    I don't see my address, Let me type it in.
    We have dealerships across Ontario and will match you with the closest one that has the best selection of vehicles that you are looking for.
    Your address details help us determine a suitable budget and loan amount that will maximize your chance of getting approved.
    *Pro Tip: Rates and incentive programs vary based on age and Canadian province or territory.


    You Qualify for Pre-Approval

    By clicking on the Next Button, I confirm my agreement to 401 Auto Financings’ General Terms of Service, my consent to 401 Auto Financing and all members of 401 Auto RV Canada Inc recording all my calls with them for quality assurance and training purposes, and my consent to 401 Auto Financing, car dealers and lenders obtaining credit reports about me to facilitate my application for a car loan.

    To complete your application and access your loan we need your basic information.
    Great! Now that you have been pre-approved for your auto loan, we can save your progress and access your loan. One our financial advisors can get you driving in as little as 24 hours!
    Would you like to learn how to increase your credit?Yes Would you have a co-signer if needed?Yes